Meditation on Oranges II 1 e1571084718965 | Art by Karlene

Can meditation lead to another level?

The Perrin Method and Meditation. Dennis Perrin encourages us to meditate prior to each session at the easel.

The Perrin Method

Dennis Perrin encourages us to meditate prior to each session at the easel. As part of his classes he includes a special Artist Meditation to be done. I’m very quickly seeing why. Yesterday’s painting is making me a real believer!

Meditation on Oranges II

Meditation on Oranges II

TM (Transcendental Meditation) has been my way

John and I began doing TM about 15 years ago. That is a special form. Basically it’s 20 minutes of silence done twice a day, morning and evening. I use special Mantra to settle my mind and follow the breathe. Dennis’ is a guided combined with special music. It’s different but just as effective.