sm ode to david | Art by Karlene

More Copying from the Masters

Why copying from the masters I love is my best strategy Now I’ve decided to jump right into the pool. Here’s why: pretty much every painting technique I need to learn has been done before. And often these are to be found in my favorite paintings, those of David A. Leffel. To make a painting…

Why copying from the masters I love is my best strategy

Now I’ve decided to jump right into the pool. Here’s why: pretty much every painting technique I need to learn has been done before. And often these are to be found in my favorite paintings, those of David A. Leffel.

To make a painting work, you need to learn from the best. So pick a painting, and try to copy it.

I painted a copies of two of Leffel’s paintings which are offered by the Freeman’s Art Gallery for several thousand dollars each.

sm ode to david 1 | Art by Karlene
After Leffel 1
sm homage to david 5 | Art by Karlene
Afgter Leffel 2

My copies would definitely not be mistaken for his, but I was surprised that they were any good at all. And I really like learning the impact of table top versus shelf top setups.

Was it perfect? No

Did I improve my painting? Definitely.

To use setups well, I began to understand how perspectives and depth perceptions are altered by various paint applications.

And that’s hard since I am very much a beginner and I just don’t have the skills I need. So off looking for courses.