SM Green chart from tube colors | Art by Karlene

Beginning to Explore Greens

Last year I did some charts of green from my new WSO oils. This gave me a decent starting point. But like all those beginners, the chroma is uniformly too high. So I’m now turning to Munsell to see if I can mix some more realistic greens. That is, greens that actually appear in nature!

Last year I did some charts of green from my new WSO oils. This gave me a decent starting point. But like all those beginners, the chroma is uniformly too high.

Exploring Greens
Chart of Greens

So I’m now turning to Munsell to see if I can mix some more realistic greens. That is, greens that actually appear in nature!

Royal Talens Cobra Water Mixable Oil Color Sets - Combo Set, Set of 10 colors, 40 ml tubes
Royal Talens WSO Starter Set

image 9142569 13717235 | Art by Karlene